It Makes You Wonder

Do you ever have one thing among all the craziness that makes you just step back and go 'wow'. Mine are normally really stupid little things that actually mean nothing but that take me by total surprise.

Example One: Allow me to introduce Person A. Person A enjoys Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. Okay, in actual fact Person A is simply a guy at my school, you know the type, never do any work, always mess around and are most likely doing some kind of drugs.

So, as the story goes, I am sitting on a couch in the Library during a free period, quietly minding my own business when KAZAAM! my pencil case and all my other books go flying off my seat. I'm putting the books on my lap away so I can lean down and get it (a massive task as I always seems to have ten billion, after starting off with one...) when Person A, sitting on the couch next to me, leans down and picks them up for me. It literally caught my breath a little. And no, not because we had a Hollywood moment where I look up and he's leaning into me. Just because it was the absolute last thing I expected someone like Person A to do. Maybe snigger to his mates or make some joke about being 'un-co', but never actually help me. And it made me think; would I do the same if it happened to him. Most likely, no. Because I'd written him off as a tool. It made my day.

xx Miss Moi

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My Little Bit of Silliness...

One day, the Pope is visiting America and driving around Washington in his limo when he gets an idea. "Driver? Can I drive for a while?"
"Sure," says the driver. How can you say no to the Pope?
So the Pope takes the wheel and starts driving like a maniac all around Washington -- dodging in and out of traffic, going eighty, cutting people off.
Soon, a cop pulls him over. But when the Pope rolls down the window, the cop stops dead in his tracks, and goes back to the car.
"We got somebody really important here," he says to his partner.
"Who is it? Is it a senator?"
"No. More important."
"The president?"
"No. More important."
"An ambassador? Who?"
"I don't know. But the Pope is his driver."

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I feel like writing a list. I have an inherrent love of lists, as you've heard before. But I haven't really sat down to a good list in a very long time. Sure, there's been a few to do's (currently very large so I probably shouldn't be sitting here writing this) but no good, hearty lists. So now I will attempt one.

My List of Reasons Why Students Should Not Get Homework on the First Day of School (to be submitted to the Principal of my school)
5. At the time the said homework is being handed out, you would usually be fast asleep.
So seriously, how can I be expected to remember any of it? I had enough trouble remembering to come to school this morning.
4. We've been away for 2 weeks, so anything we may have learnt before we went on holidays is most likely at some far recess of our minds.
Where it should be left.
3. In no movie do you see any characters doing homework, especially on the first day.
Take Harry Potter for example. You don't see Harry and Voldermort standing in a duel when Harry suddenly goes, "Oh, sorry, I forgot my teacher gave me extra trig tonight, better go home and do it." To which Voldermort replies, "Aw, bummer. Meet here tomorrow then?" "Yeah, sure. But, oh gosh this is so embarrassing, my parents might drop in if you try and kill me." "God, they are so strict." "I know, right."
2. What's so important I have to miss Spicks and Specks and Chaser's for it. Seriously. You should really think of these things before you hand out homework.
1. The main reason is, of course, you know noone's actually going to do it.
So what's the point in trying?
xx Miss Moi

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I've got a feeling...

I go back to school tomorrow. Sad, but unfortunately true.

You know that feeling you get right before you have to do something you don't want to, that unwarranted sense of dread like the world is about to collapse and there is nothing you can do about it but eat some icecream and wallow in your sorrows. It creeps up on you from the moment you're at the halfway mark of your holidays, and can no longer tell yourself you have ages left. Each day of that gloomy week a weight is put on your heart, growing heavier, heavier, heavier. The night before is the worst - it's like Sunday night but without the good TV. There is no way you can deny it any more, as hard as you might try. Gone are the days of waking up half an hour before you go back to sleep, the days of going into the city DURING the day and seeing people stare at you in awe, and most importantly the days of being able to go to the bathroom without having to get permission from a middle-aged discontented teacher. Sigh.

But back to the feeling - it's not just before bad things. Right before you're having a party, for example. That half hour where you sit around worrying that no one will turn up and you'll be left all alone with a packet of streamers and a bowl of punch. Everything's laid out, everthing prepared and there's nothing you can do but... wait. There's nothing you can do, the inevitable is soon to become the reality. Before a test, when you wonder if you have in fact done enough (in my case, most likely not). Before an awkward telephone call to, perhaps, tell your boss your quitting (something I still haven't quite got the guts to do). It's when you're nerves kick in and you're common sense goes out the door. You know that there's nothing you can do, and while this should be a consolidation it soon becomes a fear.

So, what to do in these times? Well, isn't it obvious. Nothing.

xx Miss Moi

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Hail, O Mighty Mother Nature

I never quite realised how much hail hurts. Sure, it probably should have crossed my mind seeing as it is tiny pebbles flying from the sky, but it always seemed a bit of a ridiculous prospect to me. I mean seriously, why wouldn't you just have snow?

For those of you who live in Perth, only you can understand the sheer stupidity of our weather. People always talk about how we have such great weather (okay, maybe they don't) but I really don't see it. At least the other states have set weather - Melbourne is ridiculously cold and Queensland is ridiculously hot. But do we get that? No. It's like Mother Nature simply cannot make up her freaking mind - one minute it is beautiful sunshine and the next it is pouring with rain (but never fear, for five seconds later it will be sunny again). Not only does it make it beyond impossible to pick an outfit that will not leave you sweating one minute and freezing the next, but extremely difficult to plan to do just about anything. It was this horrible consequence that left me in the terrifying situation I found myself in earlier today.

This morning I looked out my window to clear blue skies and beautiful sunshine, and got it in my head that the weather report was in fact wrong and that no storms were to come today. If I had cared to look closer, which I of course did not, I may have seen the tell tale signs. The water soaking everything outdoors, the storm clouds just a little to the left and the potted plant thrown on the ground after raging storms. This was, of course, one of Perth's pretend good weather, and if I had only looked a few minutes before I would have seen pelting rain. Nevertheless, naive that I was I decided to go for a walk. I can see you already forseeing the horrible consequences of my momentary stupidity (okay, maybe it was a bit longer than a moment) but bear with me a little longer.

So, where were we? Ah, I had on my flimsy sweater, no more than an act to content my mother with no actual warmth, and my ipod in my pocket, and with these alone (no rain jacket, no umbrella) I set off into the wilderness. I am not one to write horror stories, so I will not lull you into a sense of security only to rip it away from you. It may seem as if everything in hunky dorey, and for a good 10 minutes (enough time to get me a fair distance from my home) it was. The sky was clear (at least, in the direction I was facing) and the birds were chirping (probably more so in warning than joy). Suddenly, ripping into my Ben Lee reverie, a massive, bloodcurdling roar ripped through the sky. I do not believe I have to tell you what this was. But of course I will. It was thunder.

For most thunderstorms, the ones that people like, it is more of a distant rumble, a faraway flash. You sit rugged up in your houses and enjoy the show, getting sheer joy simply out of the knowledge you're not out their in it. You complain about how we don't get nearly enough good storms. When some chainmail questionnaire asks you if you like thunderstorms, you write with glee how much you adore them.

You haven't truly experienced a thunderstorm until you're smack bang in the middle of it.

That wonderful distant rumble becomes a spine-chilling roar, surrounding you on all sides, as you turn, with your heart beating to stare at the rapidly approaching black clouds threatening to unleash their stores with every passing minute. The light flashes to the side of you, just out of your line of vision, and you spin, dazed, trying to figure out how close it is. The trees around you seem to mock you as you remember all of those lessons about not being near trees or mobile phones when in a thunderstorm. Then suddenly, when you think things can't any worse, the rain comes. Not just that light spray that sometimes falls and people dance in joyfully - this is the mother droplets, splattering against every inch of your body and drenching you to the bone. I run as fast as I can back towards my house, or at least the direction I think my house is in as the rain is making everything hazy and white. But then the rain seems to thin out and come down a little faster, turning into more of a sprinkling then a downpour. Yes, it will soon all be over! How silly I was. How very silly.

Now cast your mind back to the beginning of this story and you will remember me talking about hail. "But Miss Moi, you haven't even mentioned hail yet!" True. Which is how you know things are about to take another turn for the worst.

The rain is coming down faster and faster, biting my skin with it freezing cold teeth. It seems to be getting harder and harder, until I realise in a moment of sheer panic that no longer am I being pelted by rain - little white pebbles are falling from the sky. You would probably thinking that because of their tiny size that they may be almost soft, not painful at all. Oh. My. God. These things hurt! It's like being pelted by baby bullets from all sides, continiously. And not only are they rocks, they're ice cold rocks. Ice + Velocity + My Skin = OWWW! It's simple physics.

There is a happy ending to this story (yes, it ends, I know it seems like you've been reading forever). Through all the blood, sweat and tears, I managed to crawl back home and into a steaming bath. I drank hot chocolate and listened to the storm outside.

Don't you just love thunderstorms?

xx Miss Moi

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Transformers 2

In a moment of sheer madness I decided to see Transformers 2.

I was genuinely excited. I know. Crazy, right? Why did I ever think I - the absolute hater of action movies and, come to think of it, alien robots - would ever actually like it? Okay, I know sort of know why. The massive poster of Shia LaBeouf at the front of the cinema might have influenced me just an incy tiny bit. But that is beside the point. The point is that I must warn anyone who is considering, as I so innocently did, going to see this film. Yes, Shia is gorgeous and in many of the scenes, but seriously, it is not worth sitting through 3 hours of random action sequences and the most horrible script I have ever seen. Just Google him.

You may think I'm being too harsh, and I probably I am. But seriously. This movies goes for three hours. I felt dumber when I left. We start by seeing a completely random fight scene that lasts for about 15 minutes and leaves me thoroughly confused about what the hell is actually going on. Cue, three teenage boys to my left laughing and telling each other how 'sick' it is. Ah, there's your reason. After this randomness is finished, we cut to Shia getting ready to leave for college, with all the schmaltzy stereotypical parent goodbyes, when, and we've only been stationary for about 3 minutes, little alien robots attack him and set his house on fire. But hey, that happens to me all the time. I mean, only yesterday an alien civilisation asked me to help them. Totally normal. Granted it's not meant to be taken seriously (at least I hope not), but no one seems too worried. His parents talk about how excited they are to go on some trip, and his girlfriend comes over and says her goodbyes and they make out like there isn't a destroyed house and police officers running around them. As you do.

To the movie's credit, there is an attempt at a plot line. But what chance did it really have? Whenever we start to get any dialogue (which is, admittedly, kind of funny at times) there's another battle scene randomly chucked in there for no reason. You can really tell they wanted to show off there super duper CG and make sure they got their buck's worth, but to tell you the truth I was either yawning or feeling a bit motion sick. There's only so many spinning shots you can do in such a short period of time. From the intermitten bits of dialogue, I think the plot had something to do with some war and some government officials, but that's all I got.

Most of the characters seem to be there just to say their one-liner and leave with no background to what they're actually doing there. Australian beauty Isabel Lucas spends about 5 minutes onscreen, in which she is either blatantly cracking on to Shia (every teenage boy's dream) or being an alien robot. What an amazing role. And don't get me started on Megan Fox. Seriously, I love you, but please buy a proper bra if you're going to be running all over an Egyptian desert.

Okay, I have officially had my bitch session. For any teenage boy - the only demographic who might actually be able to sit through this - this is probably a dream come true. But for everyone else, run screaming.

xx Miss Moi

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Things To Do Before I Die...

I love lists. If you say that you don't like lists, then you're in serious list denial and need to go write a list about it. Everyone makes lists, from the mega, i.e. 100 things to do before I die (number one, meet Zac Efron) - to the not so mega, i.e. things to buy at the supermarket (number one, Zac Efron). They help put our lives in order. When things get way to stressful, write a list about and suddenly everything is in one neat, orderly package. What's not to like?

Many magazines, TV shows and movies throughout the ages have used lists to try and make people laugh, bring up ratings and basically fill in that extra page on the back of their magazine. I personally love Jamie's list in A Walk To Remember, but the unreputed master of list making must of course be David Letterman. His 'Top Ten' Lists are legendary and give inspiration to us lowly listmakers. My personal favourite is his "Top Ten George Bush Moments", at It's a list AND it insults George Bush! Snaps!

Now, here is where my previous promise comes into play. You know, about making my blogs a bit more personal and trying to shift that hazy mist that always seems to develop whenever I start to mention anything whatsoever actually about me. I could continue this blog by putting in some funny lists off Google, but no, I'm going to tell you the start of my list of Things To Do Before I Die. It's very dodgy and nowhere near completion. Here goes, in no particular order...

1. Swim with a dolphin
2. Take the next to taxi to the airport and catch the next plane leaving
3. Run a marathon
4. Go parachuting
5. Plant a tree
6. Do standup
7. Bungee jumop
8. Learn to fly a plane
9. Go in a hot air balloon
10. Ride a camel along a beach
11. Make a meal from only the ingredients in my backyard
12. Teach someone to read
13. Go stargazing
14. Have my portrait painted
15. Go to the opening night of a ballet
16. Be in three places at once
17. Go to my school's 20th reunion
18. Shower under a waterfall
19. Fall in love
20. Have my heart broken
21. Learn to yodel
22. Jet ski
23. Learn a foreign language
24. Go skinny-dipping at midnight
25. Send a message in a bottle
26. Learn to ballroom dance
27. Write a novel
28. Experience weightlessness
29. Drive across Australia from coast to coast
30. Sleep on a beach under the stars
31. Drive a convertible with the top down
32. Have a midlife crisis
33. Scuba dive
34. Go to a football match
35. Go to a rock concert
36. Visit every continent on the planet

Any suggestions? What's on your list?

xx Miss Moi

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Please forgive me...

I realise I have no right to sit here and write another blog. I have abandoned you for far too long to ever show my face in this town again. I am an outcast, a shunned, an 'omg, what is she doing here?'

But I must get down on bended knee and beg for your forgiveness. I have no excuse; no dog has mutilated me, no guy crushed my heart, no assignment kept me in my room for weeks. Hell, I've been on holidays for a week now! I am going to be blatantly honest with you - I, Miss Moi, ran out of things to say. There, it's out. I can't take it back now. I know you never thought it could be true, but alas, it is. I know it's spinning your world off it's axis but they are no other reasons. I simply had nothing to talk about.

Here's where you get rewarded for coming back and reading this - I now do! I went off for three long weeks and searched for things to say, for the meaning of life and all that jazz. And now I'm back and I'm going to do the only thing I know how - I'm going to blog about it. Don't expect daily monologues, just some good old-fashioned blogging. It's going to be a bit less impersonal and you may actually find out somethings about me (shock, horror). Thankyou for weathering out the storm. You shall be rewarded.

xx Miss Moi

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